Beginners to Crystal Healing

Have you been feeling called to look into healing crystals?
Don’t know where to start?

One of the first things I have people look into when they are fresh and new to the crystal healing world is the Chakras. The Chakras are energy centers on the body. There are tons and tons of them, but the focus here is the main 7. These chakras all have their own specific location on the body, for the main 7 its all along the spine. They all have their own color that is associated with them.

The chakras originated in India between 1500 and 500BC. They are a very old belief and system of healing. The word chakra comes from sanskrit meaning “wheel.” These energy centers are wheels on the body, turning with energy and vitality. When they are blocked or impeded, they turn slower, or their color darkens.

That is a sign something needs to be worked on. Since they all have specific meanings and life areas they cover, when one is off it gives you a big clue as to what it is.

For example your throat chakra, it’s a beautiful blue. It symbolizes and covers communication and self expression. When your throat chakra is off, you sense it energetically, or maybe even physically like your throat is tighter than usual but theres no reason why it should be. Those are clues something is off with it. Since that chakra is so specific with its meaning, you would then stop and think about what is going on in your life that could be causing this problem. What is it you havent said but you have wanted to say or need to say? Have you been in situations lately where you didnt speak out and stand up for yourself? Once you recognize this problem you can begin to heal or fix it. You can do “chakra clearing meditations” to soothe and return the chakra to normal while you work on the problem. For crystals, you can place a blue crystal on your throat area.

Learning each stone and its individual properties can be quite overwhelming. It’s easier and still learning to learn each color of stone can correlate to a certain chakra. This sets the foundation that different stones are good for different things, color therapy and its relation to crystal healing, while also dips into the spiritual belief of chakras. 

Every crystal has its own unique properties and uses. The good thing about them for the beginner in learning is their colors can be generalized. Every blue stone has its own unique uses and meanings, but every blue stone will have in common the “properties” of a blue stone. All the green stones have their own unique properties as well, but every green stone has “green stone” properties in common with each other. Thats the way it is with every stone. These generalized crystal colour meanings can be applied to the chakras. All green stones can be used to help the Heart Chakra (green.) All blue stones can be used for the Throat Chakra (blue.)

When learning about the chakras you will learn of different spiritual practices that utilize them as well as the self reflection within required to “maintain” your chakras. This info can be touched on in some basic “chakra clearing meditations” available places like youtube.  

Charlotte SmithComment